An in-depth look at the most important issues in technology

White Papers and Publications

COVID Recovery - The Office Environment

COVID Recovery - The Office Environment

In this second briefing paper, we ask our selected organisations to contemplate how our working environment will change once COVID restrictions have eased. 

We discovered that every contributor was in the process of rethinking how their physical work environment could and should be used in the future - for many, this is still a work in progress. 

In this report, we cover:

  • Reflections on what a more personalised and flexible office environment might look like 
  • How to reintroduce collaborative activity 
  • The challenge of managing ‘peak and trough’ office demand throughout the working week
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COVID Recovery - Moving to a Hybrid Model of Working

COVID Recovery - Moving to a Hybrid Model of Working

In the first of our three briefing papers, we ask the organisations to explore the gradual shift back to normality and how the return to office life from remote working will look?

This report explores what we have learned from enforced home working, what have been the challenges, lessons and positive outcomes from the process and how we could incorporate the best elements into our reopening plans.

In this report, we cover:

  • Reflections on what a hybrid model of working might look like
  • Technology and Infrastructure Considerations
  • How we can continue to maintain strong leadership, management and culture
Inclusive design in the public sector: digital transformation for everyone

Inclusive design in the public sector: digital transformation for everyone

Digital Transformation is here to stay, but its popularity isn’t evenly spread across different sectors. This whitepaper looks at some of the drivers behind transformation in the public sector and how to ensure the success of a project which needs to be designed for a wide user base.

We cover:

  • Why transform
  • Drivers of transformation in the public sector
  • The difference between inclusion, usability and accessibility
  • How to design software for a wide user base
Explaining user-centred design in your organisation

Explaining user-centred design in your organisation

Whether it’s a large-scale development from scratch or a small tweak to an existing system, good user-centred design principles often feel like they should be a no-brainer for all organisations. So, it can be a surprise to meet resistance from within your colleagues when this approach is put forward.

This report looks at how you should be talking about user-centred design to get everyone on board.

We cover:

  • What user-centred design is
  • How to understand different internal needs
  • Advice for selling in the user-centred design approach
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